"What?", Shelby said thinking she said something funny and didn't get the joke.
*Points at the microwave, Shelby turns around*
A blur of green smoke was flowing out of the microwave. It started to smell as it filled the whole half of the kitchen.
"Oh my god! Whatdowedo?! WHATDOWEDO?!", Shelby said in a panic.
"I don't know...", her friend said sounding very useful.
She opened the microwave and more smoke starts to pour out onto her face. She closed it immediately panicking. As she thinks of something to do she tell's her friend to start fanning the smoke down so the fire alarm wouldn't go off, while Shelby asks a random lady behind her who's casually cutting vegetables if she can help. All she does is look at her, then continue to cut her dinner. By now the fire alarm has gone off and Shelby tell's her friend to follow her and they start running downstairs to the office screaming, "FALSE ALARM!".'
I have no idea why I decided to write this experience in a third person perspective but it made it sound like a legit story novel that I just copy and pasted, and the main character just happens to have my name. Not a coincidence at all. This really did happen to me, and at the completely wrong time too.
I was pretty much "living" at the Denver Ronald McDonald House waiting for my second transplant. While waiting, I met a girl who shared the same interests as me and I decided to share my Harry Potter obsession with her, being the HP fan I am. We were online looking up Harry Potter related news and we came across a HP contest. Basically whoever participated in this contest had to submit a video of the contestants brewing an original potion. Whoever's potion was the best won some kind of BRILLIANT prize like meeting Ron Weasley or receiving a signed Nimbus 2000, I don't know. So that's what we decided to do... Big mistake. Our ideal potion was the ability to turn opponents wands into noodles by sprinkling our concoction over our enemies wands. All we had to do was show the camera a stick which is supposed to represent our wand, put it into a saucer, and after stirring the wand in the potion for a couple minutes it has "magically "become a noodle. We made Ramon noodles before-hand and while cooking in the microwave it started to smoke like CRAZY!
Everything turned out fine, of course I still have the guilt on my hands, and the RMH staff had to install a new microwave from storage, and my mom found out about the incident the next day. I guess after having gorgeous firemen come to disable the alarm, I don't feel as much of a disgrace anymore. Now whenever I talk about it with my parents it's a oh-those-were-great-memories-right?-conversation, while my dad's still clueless about the whole thing. Must have forgot to mention it to him...